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Harriet H. Archer Williams papers, 1842 - 1866

 File — Box: 10


  • 1842 - 1866

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This collection is open for research use.


From the Collection: 14.26 Linear Feet (2 half Hollinger boxes; 14 full Hollinger boxes; 7 flat boxes; 2 volumes)

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

This collection is arranged into series based on the name of the primary family. Files within each series are arranged in rough chronological order.

Box 1: Stevenson Archer and James Archer Papers

Stevenson Archer (1786-1848), a jurist, was born at “Medical Hall” in Harford County, Maryland, the son of John Archer. He married Pamelia Hays in 1811. He was elected to Congress several times. In 1817 he was appointed a judge of Mississippi Territory; in 1824 he was appointed chief judge of the 6th judicial district of Maryland (Baltimore and Harford Counties); and in 1844 he was appointed chief judge of the Maryland Court of Appeals.

James Archer (1779-1815) was a son of John Archer and the brother of Stevenson Archer. He graduated in medicine in 1806 and resided at “Medical Hall” in Harford County, Maryland. Removed to Mississippi Territory. He married Margaret Ann Ross in 1810.

The Stevenson Archer materials include letters to his wfe Pamelia Hays Archer from 1807-1817. These letters are written chiefly from Washington, D.C. Letters discuss her health, his dissatisfaction with the dissipation and froppery of Washington, Congressional business that detains him from home, etc. Letter of March 24, 1814 discusses actions of “that strange enthusiast” Lorenzo Dow in the lobby of Congress. Letter of 1817 from Ft. Claiborn discusses travelling through the Creek nation and his fears for his safety.

Also includes letters to Harriet Archer from 1836-1846. These letters to his daughter are mostly written from Annapolis. Letters give advice about school, health, etc. Also her father asks for news of relatives in Mississippi. There is little discussion of his work or politics--he mentions his receipt of commission as Chief Judge of Maryland and discusses his fear that Polk will win the election (1844).

There are also two miscellaneous pieces of correspondence to Stevenson Archer.

The James Archer materials include letters to Mrs. Catharine Archer (his mother) 1802-1813, and to Stevenson Archer, 1811-1815. Letters discuss his marriage, bad state of agriculture and finances in Territory, etc. Also discusses a petition circulating in the Territory for indulgence for those claiming lands by preemption. Several letters discuss western feelings for war against England (displays desire for war, discusses preparation for war, describes activities of Jackson, and discusses attitudes towards peace settlements.)

Box 2: Miscellaneous Archer papers

Includes papers of miscellaneous Archers (arranged alphabetically):

1) E. Hotes Archer

2) Elizabeth M. Archer

3) George W. Archer

4) Hannah S. Archer

5) Henry Archer

6) James Archer (son of Stevenson Archer)

7) James I. Archer

8) John Archer

9) John G. Archer

10) Laura Archer

11) Mary A. Archer

12) N. S. Archer

13) Pamelia Hays Archer (Chamberlain)

14) Stevenson Archer, Jr.

15) Katherine Chamberlain Boatner

These papers chiefly include miscellaneous correspondence to family members, and newsclippings. Letters from Pamelia Hays Archer (Chamberlain) discuss conditions in Mississippi in the 1840s. Clippings include articles by George W. Archer about Harford County history (Temperance Society, Bel Air Academy, Harford Co. paper mills and iron works, etc.)

Also includes a manuscript genealogy of the Archer family by Henry Wilson Archer (including some correspondence in regard to his research). Prominent families mentioned include: Archers, Hays, Mitchells, Stumps, Williams, plus many others.

Also includes a small manuscript genealogy of The English Archers.

Box 3: Hooper family papers

Includes papers of miscellaneous Hoopers, arranged chronologically from 1712-1864. Chiefly land papers relating to land acquisitions of Samuel Hooper, especially in Dorchester County, Maryland and in the town of Cambridge. Also includes some correspondence of Hooper family members, especially that of Elizabeth A. Hooper and Sarah Hooper (Elizabeth's mother).

Boxes 4-5: Papers of George Edward Mitchell (Box 4 has series A-C and Box 5 has series D-E)

George Edward Mitchell (1781-1832) was born at Head of Elk (Elkton), Cecil County, Maryland. He was the son of Dr. Abraham Mitchell and Mary Thompson Mitchell and lived at “Fair Hill.” He studied medicine and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. He then entered a partnership with his father. Mitchell was elected to the Maryland House of Delegates, 1808-1809 and also elected member of State Executive Council, 1809-1812. He took a distinguished part in the war of 1812--in York, Fort George, Fort Niagra, Fort Oswego, etc.--and was presented with a sword by the Maryland General Assembly. Mitchell was a democratic member of Congress for all but one term between 1822-1832 and was instrumental in inviting Lafayette to the U.S. as a guest of the government. He was an unsuccessful candidate for governor of Maryland in 1829. He married Mary Hooper in 1816.

A. Includes some correspondence of George E. Mitchell--mostly to family members such as his sons George W. and Henry H., his sister Mary R. Mitchell, his mother-in-law Sarah Hooper, and his daughter Mary Alicia Mitchell. Letters generally involve family affairs, educational and social advice, etc. Also includes rough drafts of Congressional Resolution to invite Lafayette to the U.S., and some letters to and/or for constituents, and copy of his Last Will and Testament.

B. Includes miscellaneous personal correspondence to George E. Mitchell in regard to home, the farm, the children, his health, etc.

C-D. Many letters to George E. Mitchell in his position as a Congressman 1822-1832. (C-through 1831, D-1832). Many are in regard to political feelings of Maryland constituents towards Jackson and Adams, requests for military or political appointments, questions about Naval policy, invitations to dinners in Washington, requests for help in gaining restitution for war damages, requests for help in land disputes, suggestions to relay to Congress and the President, etc. Includes 2 letters of James Buchanan to George Mitchell giving congratulations on being the Jackson candidate for governor of Maryland and saying he has complied with one of Mitchell's requests. Also includes some correspondence about the plans for the Washington monument, including a letter from architect Robert Mills submitting suggestions for such a monument.

E. Includes miscellaneous material that relates to George E. Mitchell, including receipts; an M.S. biography of Col. George E. Mitchell and plea for his reelection for Congress; a letter by John Q. Adams in regard to the monument and tomb of George Washington and the burial of Martha Washington; an obituary of George Mitchell and papers in regard to the estate of George E. Mitchell.

Box 6: Miscellaneous Mitchell papers

Includes papers used by George Johnston for sketch of Mitchell family. (See Johnston's History of Cecil County, Maryland, 1881). Also includes newsclippings and letters in regard to Mitchell family genealogy (also some about Thompson family).

Also includes papers of miscellaneous members of Mitchell family (arranged alphabetically):

1) Abraham Mitchell (Dr.)

2) Abraham D. Mitchell. Includes papers in regard to the estate of George E. Mitchell, a small account book, and letters from John Buchanan about Lancaster Pa. land and the estate of Margaret Calhoun

3) Ann (Nancy) Mitchell

4) A. H. Mitchell

5) David Mitchell--from Ohio

6) Ephraim Mitchell --numerous

7) G. W. Mitchell

8) H. Mitchell

9) Henry Hooper Mitchell. In regard to the rediscovery and attempts to acquire George E. Mitchell's sword

10) Mrs. H. S. Mitchell

11) Jane E. Mitchell

12) Mary Hooper Mitchell. Wife of George E. Mitchell, daughter of Sarah Hooper

13) Mary R. Mitchell and the Miss Mitchells

(above correspondence of a family nature and frequently addressed to relatives).

Box 7: Mary Alicia Mitchell Stump papers

Mary Alicia Mitchell Stump was the Daughter of George E. Mitchell and Mary Hooper and wife of John Stump. The materials include her Album, 1830-1833, containing poetry, drawings and autographs. There is also a small commonplace book.

The bulk of correspondence (1832-1894) is from schoolmates and friends to Mary Alicia Mitchell Stump. Topics covered include her father's health, sympathy at his death, her love life and theirs, and gossip of the neighborhood (Baltimore, Baltimore County; Elkton, Cecil County; Washington; etc.). Frequent discussion of church news and religion, especially about Presbyterianism in Elkton, Cecil County, Perryville, etc., and also about the Episcopalian church, camp meetings (letter of October 1, 1833). Also includes letters from relatives such as cousins and uncles. Also papers in regard to Mary Alicia's schooling, and Mitchell family genealogy, as well as a few manuscripts by Mary Alicia.

Box 8: Papers of John Stump

John Stump, the second (1804-1896), of “Perry Point” married Mary Alicia Mitchell in 1834.

The materials in this series includes articles of agreement, indentures, bonds of conveyance, legal papers, especially in regard to land in Cecil County. Also miscellaneous receipts and accounts; copy of John Stump's Last Will and Testament; enrollment of John Stump as sole owner of the ship Polk and Dallas; an agreement betting $1000 on the Harrison Presidential race; and papers (1867?-1885?) in regard to land purchased in Cecil County for the Perryville Presbyterian Church, and the building of said church. Also one letter by John Stump to his son Fred and one to his wife Mary Alicia.

Box 9: Miscellaneous Stump family papers

Includes papers of miscellaneous Stump family members (arranged alphabetically):

1) A.H. Stump

2) Alicia Stump (daughter of Mary Alicia Mitchell Stump and John Stump)

3) Mrs. Frederick Stump

4) Frederick Stump (son of Mary Alicia Mitchell Stump and John Stump; Associate Judge of the Circuit Court for Caroline, Talbot, Queen Annes, Kent & Cecil Co.). Includes his commission, legal opinions, and notes in regard to cases in his district. Plus miscellaneous correspondence.

5) H. Arthur Stump (son of Mary Alicia Mitchell Stump and John Stump; Judge; Dean of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore city). Includes papers as agent of the devisees of John Stump, deceased; a Stump family tree; newsclippings in regard to his life and death; etc.

6) H. Arthur Stump, Jr. (son of H. Arthur Stump and Caroline T. Riegel Stump). Copy of photo of H. Arthur Stump Jr. at age 4 months and copy of his publication “Augustine Herman 1606-1686 Founder of Bohemia Manor”.

7) H. Y. Stump

8) Reuben Stump. Bill of the graveyard

9) William H. Stump

Series also includes miscellaneous newsclippings, notes, etc. about Stump family genealogy, plus miscellaneous photos and the Stump coat of arms.

Box 10: Harriet H. Archer Williams papers

Harriet H. Archer Williams (1824-1871) was married Dr. Lewis Jaffery Williams, U.S.N. in circa 1850. She was a daughter of Stevenson Archer and Pamelia Hays Archer.

This series includes a few letters of Harriet Archer Williams to miscellaneous correspondents, including her father Stevenson Archer and her son's teacher, Dr. Clemson Subjects discussed include sympathy at her father's death, gossip, illness, family news, politics, and poetry. Also letters from Dr. Clemson's school in Claymont, Delaware in regard to her son Stevenson A. Williams and his religious aspirations.

Also includes numerous letters, 1848-1865, from Harriet Archer Williams to her husband, Dr. Lewis J. Williams U.S.N. The letters were written while he was on board ship on missions to many parts of the world (Africa, China, Europe, Japan, South America). Letters are written from Medical Hall, Harford County, Maryland, and many are accompanied by envelopes bearing directions for Dr. Williams' ship at the time. Her letters are chiefly about family news, the children, her reading, etc. They also contain discussion of religion, religious meetings (Presbyterian), reforms, attitudes of self and others to political events in the U.S. (especially the Civil War) and Europe, remarks on the political career of Stevenson Archer, Jr., her husband's career, local news (State Fair, notes on economic condition of area, railroads, taxes, prices), and reports about their relatives in the South.

There is a copy of the address given at the funeral of Harriet Archer Williams and one of her commonplace books.

Box 11: Dr. Lewis J. Williams papers

Dr. Lewis J. Williams (1819-1888) graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with an M.D. He was appointed Assistant Surgeon, U.S.N. in 1842 and promoted to Surgeon in 1853. He served under Commodore Perry in the Japan expedition in the U.S.S. “Mississippi.” He was on the U.S.S. “Richmond" in Admiral Farragut's West Gulf squadron in 1864-1865 and was present at the attack on Mobile, Alabama in 1865. Dr. Williams made Medical Director in 1871 and was stationed at the Naval Hospital and the Naval Lab in Brooklyn, New York until his retirement. He lived in Baltimore, Maryland after retirement until his death in 1888.

This series contains miscellaneous papers of Dr. Lewis J. Williams--including school reports from College of New Jersey; school essays; appointments in the Navy (signed by the Presidents); medical records (such as the record of the Brig Washington and medical records of individuals); personal correspondence received (in regard to his son's schooling, religion and from nieces); and business correspondence (in regard the Navy and medicine). Also includes papers (1871-1879) in regard to the Staff Rank bill, appointment of Medical Inspector Wales as Surgeon General over 16 ranking officers (including Dr. Williams), and further results of this action, attempts at reform in Naval Medical Corps appointments. Also includes life story of I. Lorell (1862) relating religious experiences. Includes miscellaneous items such as receipts, bills, lists, printed data, pamphlets, and tickets to the impeachment of Pres. Andrew Johnson.

Also includes unfoldered items such as lecture (matriculation) cards for medical courses at the University of Pennsylvania; a farm book of Lewis J. Williams, 1851-1873; and a large ledger kept by Lewis J. Williams, 1869-1876 at the N.Y. Navy Yard, Hazeldell, Bel Air and Brooklyn (short entries concern weather, letters sent and received, engagements attended, some patients treated. Describes death of his wife.) Also a military identification tag of Lewis J. Williams. Also a journal of a cruise in the U.S. ship "Falmouth." Joshua R. Sands Commander by L.J. Williams. Madina November 15, 1844 (includes short entries describing weather, his readings and thoughts, including poetry exerpts, and short descriptions of ship maneuvers and areas visited, such as the Gulf Stream, Jamaica, Havana, coast of Africa. Basically material discussed in more detail in letters).

The series primarily contains letters dealing with trips taken as a Navy Surgeon to Mexico, Africa, China, Japan, Panama. Letters also contain some discussion of family news, advice to his wife. Letters from July 30, 1842 to January 16, 1846 addressed to his father William Williams. Letter of May 27, 1848 addressed to the Hon. S. Archer. Letters of March 12, 1853 to November 28, 1858 addressed to his wife Harriet Archer Williams. A short description of contents of these letters follows:

--July 30, 1842: U.S. ship "Falmouth" from Pensacola. Account of cruise from Norfolk to St. Thomas. Describes town of St. Thomas--productions, set up, customs, trade. Describes Caraccas, port of Laguiva, Porto Cabello, Santa Martha. Describes political system of Venezuela.

--November 12, 1842: U.S. ship "Falmouth" from Vera Cruz. Will stay in Mexico unknown length of time as the Minister has expressed a wish that a man of war be there during negotiations with Mexico. Probably they will submit to terms sooner knowing that their minister has safe passage back to U.S. Negotiations proceeding favorably. Santa Anna has resigned as Pres. of Republic in favor of Gen. Brava, who is probably a mere tool of Santa Anna. Discusses high prices and miserable state of the government there.

--June 11, 1843: U.S. ship "Falmouth" at sea. Left Pensacola for Island of St. Domingo--intended to proceed around coast of Florida. Describes arrival at Cuba, and at St. Domingo. Describes land in St. Domingo, and state of island since abdication of Boyer. Writes about Haiti's government, people, committee of Health & Safety, elections, framing of Constitution, etc. Describes Haiti as a "republican government of Negroes"--describes Presidential election, results of earthquake, inhabitants. Discusses Port au Prince, and independent Haytiens. Discusses competition between mulattos and blacks, unsettled state of country, story of how Boyer left the island.

--September 30, 1843: U.S. ship "Falmouth" from Navy Yard, Boston. Describes sightseeing in Boston, and visit to Lowell, the great manufacturing town. Describes cloth processing, etc.

--November 10, 1844: U.S. ship "Yorktown" from Finechal, Madeira. Discusses future course of ship. Describes Islands of Madeira--cultivation of crops, terraced lands, wine, churches, houses, scenery, convent of Santa Clara, population, condition of poor. Also discusses town of Santa Cruz on island of Teneriffe.

--December 17, 1844: U.S. ship "Yorktown" from Mesurado Roads off coast of Africa. Discusses slave trade as still being very extensive, despite efforts of British. Describes Cape Town. Then discusses his arrival at Monrovia (Liberia)--describes colony of Monrovia as much worse than it is painted in the U.S. Speaks of its exports, makeup, etc.

--April 30, 1845: U.S. Ship "Yorktown" at sea. Discusses arrival at Ambrig (Province of Congo); St. Paul de Luando (port town); St. Philip de Benguila; Cape Palmas, Monrovia--describes these areas in terms of people, trade, geography. Discusses abuse of U.S. flag by slavers. Plans to sail for Port Praya.

--September 17, 1845: U.S. ship "Yorktown" at sea. Discusses plans for ship movements. Feelings against Mr. Webster by whose treaty they are stuck with such abominable cruising. Describes arrival at Monrovia--vegetation, farming, colonists, poor quality of emigrants sent by Colonization society. Discusses political set up of Monrovia. Discusses suspicion that ship "Patuxtent" of N.Y. is on a slaving mission.

--November 30, 1845: U.S. ship "Yorktown" at sea. Describes how they took a prize--a slave ship--with 900 slaves on board (the American "Barque Pons" of Philadelphia). Discusses sights on board the slaver, prize money for capture of slaves, fate of the captured slaves, slave trade in Africa, etc. 1846

--January 16, 1846: U.S. Ship "Yorktown" from Cape Mesurado. Continued discussion of captured slaver the "Barque Pons" and fate of the captured slaves. Plans to sail for Port Praya. Hopes Congress will legislate against sale of American vessels in ports of Brazil to cut abuse of U.S. ships in the slave trade. Discusses emigration to Monrovia. Speaks of fears of war between U.S. and England about Oregon question. Describes Senate of Monrovia. Also discusses his arrival at Freetown and Siera Leone with description of the area, people, trade, geography.

--May 27, 1848: U.S. brig "Porpoise" from Monrovia. Account of the natives and colonists of African coast. Arrived to find that the independence of the Republic of Liberia had been declared on August 24. The former Governor is President. All are hopeful of the future but he sees no indication of reason for such hopes. Says they declared independence from jealousy of the English. Describes the town of Monrovia--its geography, communications with the interior, towns of the interior (Caldwell and Millsburg), emigrants, crops, economics, education, habits, finances, government officials, condition and treatment of natives, slave trade. Also describes Elmina (a Dutch settlement on the Gold Coast) and Acera (an English town on the Gold Coast). Discusses two towns in the Kingdom of Dahomy--Whydah (a slave mart--describes the “Fetishe” worship of the natives, their customs and dress) and Abomy (the capital of Dahomy--describes the king and his government).

--March 12, 1853: U.S. steamer "Mississippi" from Pointe de Galle, Ceylon. Describes Ceylon--its villages, coconut trees, dress, trade, religion, geography, elections. Discusses trip to Singapore and arrival--its people (Chinese and Malays), spices, customs, geography.

--June 7, 1853: U.S.S. "Saratoga" from Napa, Island of Soo-choo. Discusses his transfer to new ship. Warns his wife not to believe newspaper reports of the expedition's movements--they are often written by men with no means of forming correct opinions. Describes a visit the Comde. paid to the regent of the island, on which Dr. Lewis went along. Describes cultivation of land, vegetation, giving of presents, entertainment, food, customs, geography. Also describes Bonin Islands.

--December 14, 1853: U.S. ship "Saratoga" from Shanghai. Describes attack on the town by Imperialists--rebels still hold fort and town, are getting near Pekin and will probably throw out the present government. At last account Commodore was in Hong Kong waiting arrival of the Emperor of Japan but the Emperor's death stopped negotiations for a time. Discusses attempts to negotiate with the Japanese. Discusses customs of the Chinese. Also discusses U.S. politics, World's Temperance Convention, and women’s rights.

--January 1, 1854: U.S. ship "Saratoga" from Shanghai. Discusses fighting bet. Chinese rebels and Imperialists--cruelties of both sides. Imperialists may win yet. The fighting doesn't get anywhere and causes much suffering. Discusses the Chinese--wages, prices, housing, poor conditions. Describes a visit to the city of Peking?--streets deserted, poor condition of rebels. Speaks of rumors of Russian-Japanese negotiations.

--February 6, 1854: U.S. ship "Saratoga" at Sea. Discusses approaching negotiations with Japanese--anchored off town of Kamasaki--describes the Japanese as friendly and says there is every prospect of the Commodore making a treaty--hopes for trade. Describes landing on shore to negotiate for a treaty (he went along but did not take part in discussions)--describes interpreter, refreshments, soldiers, people, dress. Disappointed in people and country. Describes further negotiations for treaty--landings, talks (in which he did not take part), exhibitions, presents. Hears that the Commodore has gotten all he wanted to from the Japanese. Discusses rumors of a Russian treaty with the Japanese and discusses the unreliability of newspaper accounts. Lists provisions of the treaty as he understands them.

--April 11 to May 30, 1854: U.S. steamer "Mississippi Bay" from Yeatto. Speaks of Captain Adams going home with the treaty. Describes trip up the Bay--thought they saw city of Yedo. Probably Commodore will go to Samadi. Com. keeps everything to himself. Provisions scarce. Comm. intends visiting several ports before making a commercial treaty. Trade will probably not amount to anything for years to come. Describes villages, people, geography, customs of women, cultivation of land, fishing, reaction of people to the Americans, religion, buildings, shops, prices. Hopes to be in Hong Kong soon.

--November 28, 1858: U.S.S. "Cyaine" at sea. Writes from abreast of the Rio de la Plata--soon to be off Cape Horn. Describes penguins, albatrosses, bleakness of Cape Horn. Speaks of his destination as Panama. Describes arrival at Valparaiso--describes it and its sufferings from a fire. Discusses a revolution that he heard had broken out at Copiapo--a town to the North of Valpario--which the government is sending troops to put down. Much discussion of home news and advice to wife.

Box 12: Stevenson A. Williams papers

Stevenson A. Williams (1851-1932) was a son of Dr. Lewis J. Williams and Harriet H. Archer Williams. Graduated with A.B. from Princeton College in 1870; read law; settled in Bel Air, Maryland. He married Ariel Street. Served on State Senate and was dean of the bar in Bel Air, Maryland.

This series includes school compositions; school reports from Brooklyn Collegiate and Poletechnic Institute, and College of New Jersey; circular about Clemson's school at Claymont, Delaware (which Stevenson attended), and school programs. Also newsclippings about a testimonial dinner to be given for Stevenson Williams, his obituaries, and miscellaneous papers relating to Stevenson Williams.

The correspondence is made up of letters to his father Dr. Lewis J. Williams, and to his mother Harriet Archer Williams, chiefly from school in Claymont, Delaware. Letters to his mother generally discuss family, school and local news. Letters to his father are largely written during the time Dr. Williams was on board the U.S.S. "Richmond" stationed off Mobile, Alabama during the Civil War. Stevenson wrote to his father about his studies, his attitudes towards the war and the attitudes of his fellow students and teachers, news from Archer relatives in the South, effects of war in Maryland (on mails, prices, etc.), rumors about the course of the war, and his religious aspirations in the Episcopal Church.

Box 13: Miscellaneous Williams papers

Includes papers of and/or to:

1) Anna Stump Williams (Daughter of Judge H. Arthur Stump, granddaughter of Mary Alicia Mitchell Stump and John Stump, wife of Lewis J. Williams who was grandson? of Dr. Lewis J. Williams)

2) Ariel Elizabeth Williams (Daughter of Anna Stump Williams and Lewis J. Williams)

3) B. H. Williams

4) Caroline Williams (Daughter of Anna Stump Williams and Lewis J. Williams)

5) Frederick-Rodgers Williams (Son of Harriet Archer Williams and Dr. Lewis J. Williams)

6) I. L. Williams

7) Jane Riegel Williams (Daughter of Anna Stump Williams and Lewis J. Williams)

8) Mary Williams (Daughter of Harriet Archer Williams and Dr. Lewis J. Williams)

9) Sara E. Williams (sister of Dr. Lewis J. Williams)

10) William Williams (Father of Dr. Lewis J. Williams). Includes two letters from Henry Clay in regard to a gift of herring and shad, complimenting Williams on the quality of fish from his area.

Plus a coat of arms and henealogical information in regard to the Williams from the American Heraldric Art Company.

Box 14: Anderson-Cortlandt correspondence

Correspondence of Jonathan McKeel Anderson, Mary Ann R. Anderson, Eliza Cortlandt and Maria Cortlandt (later Mrs. Jonathan Anderson). Most of the correspondence is made up of letters from Jonathan McKeel Anderson to Maria Cortlandt. Jonathan lived in Dorchester County, Maryland and went to school in Cambridge, and Maria lived in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Basically love letters, with some gossip, discussion of health, and a few comments about the war in 1781-1782 (Revolutionary War) and conditions in Maryland and New York. Letters from Catharine, Mary Ann Anderson, and Eliza Cortlandt are from England and reflect British attitudes towards Americans 1785-1809. Also includes copies of the Wills of Thomas McKeel and John McKeel.

There is also miscellaneous correspondence from 1766-1899, which are chiefly unidentified or not clearly related to other parts of the collection. Includes a copy of Catherine Wirt's account of the last illness of William Wirt.

Also contains two scrapbooks of Amelia Woolsey, circa 1840-1845, and 1845-1863. Include literary quotes, newsclippings, autographs (includes Archers), drawings, essays.

Box 15: Miscellaneous land and legal papers

Includes land and legal papers not clearly related to other parts of the collection. Includes many land papers (deeds, leases, etc.), especially for land in Dorchester County and the town of Cambridge. Also includes Will of Cassandra Cummons Pennington. Other legal papers include miscellaneous bonds, powers of attorney, certifications of character and identity, and petitions.

Box 16: Miscellaneous

1810-1926. Includes miscellaneous accounts, currency, essays, memos, newsclippings, notes, pamphlets, photos, programs, receipts, recipes, reports from the Army and Congress, shares of stock, and speeches that have no clear relation to other parts of this collection. Also includes Rev. William Finney's funeral sermon for Dr. Martin.

Boxes 17-23: Account books and daybooks (plus two oversize volumes)

Account books and daybooks, 1786-1850. Dealing with the Baltimore area, chiefly concerned with flour milling. Mills mentioned include Salisbury Mills, Harford Mills, and Rock Run Mills (includes at least one account book of Salisbury Mills sales, 1796-1800). Accounts also deal with the shipping of bar iron and general merchandizing. Some record the sale of fish. Many are apparantly accounts kept by and/or relating to John Stump of Baltimore (later Cecil County). Includes one letterbook (1792-1801) of John Stump with copies of letters relating to his trade as a merchant--discusses prices, market demands, scarcity of currency, quality of goods and shows dealings with such areas as the West Indies, North Carolina, and Virginia. One account book (1813) includes poetry and many newsclippings (receipts), and includes some mention of Mrs. Sarah Hooper. Dates of books labeled on outside of boxes.

For other account books, see Box 6 and Box 11.


Repository Details

Part of the H. Furlong Baldwin Library Repository

H. Furlong Baldwin Library
Maryland Center for History and Culture
610 Park Avenue
Baltimore MD 21201 United States